- Vince VXL Success Story -
"Much faster and securely than before"
Torbjørn Steinshamn
Chief Information Officer,
A premier retail company, Møbelringen sells top-quality furniture through its 70 member-owned and independent stores, to the tune of 1,400,000,000.00 NOK annually. Møbelringen’s head office in Drammen assures the quality of its furniture, spearheads its marketing initiatives, and implements the IT the company relies on.
CIO Torbjørn Steinshamn comments:
“With Vince Excel (VXL), the basic data team can mass-update articles and prices/discounts much faster and more securely than before. Without having to involve the IT departement ”
The challenges
Møbelringen has used Infor M3 as their primary ERP-system since 2005—this cloud software is now on Version 13.4, as hosted by Evry. But the company encountered a problem: they manually inputted its data into the software and used SQL to make changes to its tables. Handling data in this way is not without its risks—it requires dependable expertise to avoid critical mishaps. The result? Only a select few could be entrusted to maintain Møbelringen’s data via Infor M3.
To improve its efficiency, Møbelringen pursued a software solution that would simplify advanced tasks for its regular Infor M3 uses. To that end, it considered using APIs to enable more of its workforce to input its data.
Choosing the right tools
Eventually, Møbelringen opted to invest in Vince Excel (VXL) in 2017—to date, it’s used by 11 employees. They use VXL for their daily tasks, such as article/price imports, article correction, purchase orders, stock updates, and producing customer’s invoices. Møbelringen quickly saw returns on their investment; their process/data quality improved (especially regarding price updates). They saved considerable time on the work hours and overtime ordinarily dedicated to such tasks.

Møbelringen, with its independent and member-owned stores serving Norway’s furniture market, has enhanced its data management processes by chiefly by removing SQL and investing in Vince Excel (VXL). Following its investment, the company has performed several of its tasks via Infor M3 more adeptly. Its consultants have greater independence when it comes to their work.
In other words, Møbelringen is now more time-efficient and resourceful, thanks to VXL.