The reason for this is simple: cloud solutions are fast becoming the future of enterprise software.
The cloud benefits are well established, and all of them apply to Infor’s excellent cloud solution. You’ll always have the latest version of the software and the features that come with it; your employees will be able to access M3 from anywhere and on all kinds of different devices; and technical considerations like resiliency, backups, scalability, security updates, and more are taken care of both seamlessly and automatically.
And if all those benefits aren’t reason enough to take the plunge, Infor themselves estimate that most implementations for new Infor M3 customers will from 2022 be in the cloud.
It’s safe to say cloud is the way forward for Infor M3 users, and if your business doesn’t already have a plan in place to upgrade, then now is the time to start putting that business case together.
But while the why is pretty clear, the how is much less so, and for many companies, the transition from a traditional on-premise M3 implementation to a cloud subscription isn’t as straightforward as they might have imagined.
ERP solutions
Every business is different, and consequently, every business places different demands on its ERP solution. Over the lifetime of an on-premise solution, this inevitably results in a build-up of technical debt. This is usually in the form of customizations and optimizations bolted onto your M3 alongside a wide variety of complex integrations with other services and business areas.
Unfortunately, all this customization—these technical tweaks and quirks that make your iteration of M3 so well suited to the unique processes found within your business—will be lost when you migrate to the cloud. And getting them all up and running again after your migration is a huge task.
The good news is, Infor has given their customers an extremely flexible set of native tools—like the Infor extensibility toolbox—that can do just that, allowing anyone to develop compelling applications to customize every detail of M3.

However, achieving the customization and integration level that most businesses need—particularly in light of the modern workforce’s changing expectations, who expect applications to be even more intuitive, integrated, and seamless—is technically complex. Factor in the multiple platforms your users utilize to access M3 and the added complexity of things like responsive design, and the challenge only continues to grow.
Businesses can take on this challenge in-house, but it will inevitably be both resource-intensive and time-consuming.
We know Infor M3, and we have the technical skills and experience to develop customized applications capable of taking your ERP solution to the next level. Whether you’re looking to implement an enhanced UI that’s more aligned with the expectations of a Gen X workforce, or you need to integrate M3 with other key systems to optimize your processes better, we can help.
We work closely with all our clients, taking the time to get to know them and understand their unique requirements. This is how we can develop applications that help them get the possible value out of their ERP.
No matter how you approach your migration to M3 in the cloud, don’t forget to consider how you will manage technical debt. Because while migrating is no small undertaking, one thing you can be sure of is that you’re making a positive step forwards. With a little bit of planning, your ERP solution can do even more for your business than ever before.
Here we will further explain the topic from a customer example.
Espen Johnsen
Phone:+47 91194878
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