2 min read

What would happen if you lost Vince tomorrow?

What would happen if you lost Vince tomorrow?
What would happen if you lost Vince tomorrow?

For most companies, the ERP system is critical to their business. If the system breaks down or fails to do what you need it to do, it can hurt your organization. Especially if you’re dealing with big and complex supply chains, which is the case for many Vince users.

At Vince, we are lucky to have very satisfied customers. The companies who start using our solutions rarely stop. We are business critical, they say, and we take pride in that. But knowing that also comes with big responsibility.

What makes our solutions so important to our users, though? We asked three of our customers the following question:

“What would happen if we took away Vince tomorrow?”


Darren Duthart

Operations & Mobility Manager, Aggreko

– Oh, we would get a lot of complaints. There’s people here who love Vince and use it every day. Without it, we’d have to go back to raising tickets for IT to solve, putting a lot of pressure on an already time-strapped department.

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Vince was adopted by Aggreko for various reasons. An important one was removing handoffs into the IT department. IT’s time was being consumed by answering tickets, which often included errors or wrong formatting. 

– Now, with Vince, we’ve put the end users of the data in the driving seat. They can perform all the changes they need to themselves, with all the data ready in one location, says Duthart.


Elisabetta Venezia

Group ERP director, Pfaudler

– I am absolutely sure that many of our employees would resign, or at least be very unhappy, because you would have removed a very important tool from their lives.

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There was a lot of complaints about the rigidity in the M3 system, Venezia explains. Especially from the engineers, who didn't like jumping between different screens and systems to solve tasks.

– It was an issue for 15 years, and then Vince solved it in a week, she says.

Now, in addition to happier employees, communication between departments has also taken a turn for the better, with more ideas for business development arising.

– I have experienced a lot more feedback and input from our users. With these tools, they see new possibilities to do other processes more efficiently, too. So Vince is helping us work more efficiently, yes, but it has also helped drive both ERP and business development at Pfaudler as a whole.


Rolv Kristian Listad

Controller, UNIL

– First of all, it would harm our overview at the warehouse. We’d struggle with updating the data as fast as we do today, and personally, I’d lose touch of my price contracts. 

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Unil started using Vince for monitoring their warehouse master data, according to Listad. Then, rumors started spreading throughout the organization about the effects they experienced. Today, several departments are using various aspects of Vince. 

– We use it both for monitoring and managing master data in several departments. Many people in our company are very apt Excel users, so it’s great for them being able to work directly in an environment they are familiar with – fast and easy, says the UNIL-controller.

Tapping into the potential

For many of our users, Vince has become an indispensable part of their daily lives – for keeping track of their supply chain, for working faster and more efficiently and for empowering the organization and building a culture for improvement and business development.

Schedule a meeting with us below, and we will help you tap into this potential.